Friday 7 March 2014

Blogging Skills Course


Hari ni kami belajar blogging saja.... memang best blogging ni yang penting kena tau basicnya.. naaa itu la yang kami belajar hari ni... Sekarang ni waktu untuk create post... Well, i got nothing to say.. I'll just share with you guys about what I'm doing today..hahahaha *merapu*

This is an example on how we can create a blog

         Basically, to create a new blog, you need a gmail... Gmail is important in order to create a blog.. If you don't have one, baaaa buat la bha..hahaha go to this link and create your gmail... Kalau dah ada gmail, baru la boleh buat blog..hehehe If you want to create a blog, just simply go to Blogger and sign up using your gmail.. Just follow the instruction and WALLLLAAA ! A new blog just created.. hahaha How hard can it be ? Easy huh ?